Optional Header Text Here

An attention getting pre-headline works well here
to setup your main headline.  Just a couple of
lines - no more than half-way across...

"Put Your Benefit Oriented Main Headline

Stress the Fact That You are Offering Something FREE - Right in Your Main Headline.  Capitalize Each Word"

Use many of the same features for a
free offer as you would for a product you're
charging for - it's still a sales letter!


Dear Friend:    (or targeted salutation)

Your opening paragraph needs to draw the reader into your page and hold their interest - just like any sales letter.  You could tell them the two or three major benefits they receive from reading this letter, or you could state a little known fact or ask a question that creates curiosity as to what you're about to reveal to them.

Hi, this is Firstname Lastname.

[ Introduce yourself.  What's your background and expertise?  Why should they listen to you?  Try to create credibility and establish yourself as an expert in this topic - but keep it to just a few short paragraphs]

Show Empathy - Identify With Their Problem

Here, let your reader know that you understand their problem and how it feels to have that problem, or to want to achieve a particular goal.  Build empathy with them by telling exactly how it feels to have that problem, or to want that goal.  

Don't just tell them you understand - show them by describing their actual feelings!

Emphasize that their problem could get a lot worse, or how their frustration will build if they don't do something about it.  Paint an ugly picture.


Introduce Possible Solutions (Especially Yours)

You can provide just one solution (yours), or provide them a few solutions and then do a comparison and show why yours is the best solution.  The fact that you are offering this FREE is a powerful motivator - so stress that

Make sure your reader understands that your solution is a quick and easy way to end their "pain" and frustration or to reach their goal.


Introduce The Value of Your FREE Offer!

Really pile it on.  After the headline, this is the most important section.  Your offer may be NO COST - but you still have to SELL it.  Use bullets, bolding, and italics to make this section stand out.  You want to make sure that even the "skimmers" will see this section and pause to read it.

  • This is NOT a list of the features.  Focus on the end results your customer receives from your product or service.  These are the real benefits

  • Benefits are the positive results your customer receives - keep in mind that your customer wants to know "What's in it for ME?"

  • Features are like specs or detailed descriptions of your product or service - they don't belong here

  • To help you define the benefits of your product, start off listing all of its features, and then under each "feature", list the benefit your customer will receive from that benefit

  • The best way to see how to do this is to look at sales letters others have written, that you know to have been successful.  Maybe a sales letter that convinced you to buy something

  • Then list those benefits as bullet items in your sales letter.  Alternating the font settings in your bullet items gives a little visual relief.  Always end your list with the next bullet - in bold font

  • And much, much more!


What Happens If They Procrastinate?
Explain the Consequences

First, they're going to miss out on getting all the benefits that your product offers (detail the primary benefits again here).  They'll still have their same problem to solve, and it'll probably only get worse. 

In other words...
Remind them of their pain.

Then end on a positive note by giving them the way out with something like...

Remember, it's FREE!  Go ahead and sign up RIGHT NOW!  I know you'll be happy you did.


(scanned image of your signature here)

Your Firstname Lastname


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P.S. Always restate your offer.  Discuss the major benefits and tell them to take action now.

P.P.S. Restate any scarcity factors and/or the pain they will continue to feel if they don't buy now.  Reemphasize your primary benefits and how those will eliminate their pain or frustration.


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