Optional Header Text Here

An attention getting pre-headline works well here
to setup your main headline.  Just a couple of
lines - no more than half-way across...

"Put Your Benefit Oriented Main Headline Here.  Capitalize Each Word, and Maybe
Put It In Quotes"


Introduce The Problem You Will Solve

Let your reader know that you understand their problem and how it feels to have that problem, or to want to achieve a particular goal.  Build empathy with them by telling exactly how it feels to have that problem, or to want that goal.  

Don't just tell them you understand - show them by describing their actual feelings!

Emphasize that their problem could get a lot worse, or how their frustration will build if they don't do something about it.  Paint an ugly picture.


Pre-sell Your Solution

You're pre-selling.  Your goal may be to get the visitor to your sales page, or just to get them to opt-in to a notification list or download a special report that will further sell your offer.

You might :

  1. use a video right on this page and link to your sales page, or

  2. link directly to a free download of a PowerPoint presentation or PDF report, or

  3. get them to opt-in to a list to receive additional information, or

  4. get them to opt-in to a list to receive launch info when available


If your goal is to get an opt-in...

If your goal is to get your visitor to your sales page...
[Link Directly to Sales Page]


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